[Duppy Tales] Concept Wip

Don't get your hopes up too much for this yet, I'm still trying to work out all the problems with it at the moment, and I might still end up changing the character designs a bit since I'm still trying to decide what ages to make the main characters. Originally they were meant to be Secondary school-age (High school-age if you're not from the UK) or younger since that's what the publisher wanted, but I always imagined them to be older like collage/university age since I don't like the whole "the parents are in the way, let's kill them off so our characters can actually do interesting things now" trope.


But anyway, I've always been interested in different countries folklore, superstitions and myths, but it's really hard to find anything about Caribbean/African folktales, so naturally, I just thought why not make my own haha!

I found that a lot of "Black folktales" have some cross over where certain details will be similar but slightly different, but since I'm Jamaican I'll probably be pulling more from the Caribbean side of things.

I'm not sure how many of you like anime or Manga that are based on Japanese folktales or yokai, but that's the kind of vibe I'm going for, If you want more of an explanation or even just some anime recommendations then check out: Pom Poko, Spirited Away, Noragami, Yo-Kai Watch, Kamisama Hajimemashita (Kamisama Kiss), xxxHOLIC, Hell Girl.

So what is Duppy Tales?

So Duppy Tales isn't going to be a long-formated story like how Not Another Cliche is, instead, I imagine it to be a short story or possibly a series of short stories where each one has a new Duppy problem to solve similar to yo-kai watch or Mob Psycho 100%.

The main characters would be Max and Trey (although I might end up changing the names later) Max is a witch priestess but not in the sense that she can do powerful magic, at most her abilities would be to create protective charms out of herbs for herself and other human/victims and perform exorcisms to put the Duppies to rest.

Trey, on the other hand, would have some kind of power to do with flames or light since he is a Duppy but also Max's Familiar, I was trying to think of a cool animal he could transform into like a lizard since they are pretty common in Jamaica, but I'm not sure if that would be a little too extra lol.

Fun Fact: My sister helped me come up with the name lol, I was actually struggling a lot with the name and just couldn't think of anything that would fit.

I have an idea for a short story for them so I might end up making that in between working on the prep work for Not Another Cliche!
