[NAC] chapter 4 Concepts and Wips

-This Post is a copy from my patreon.

If you're new here, there won't be a new chapter update for "Not Another Cliche!" this month, since last month, was the end of chapter 3, which means I normally spend a bit of time working on doing some prep work for the New Chapter I'm working on, if you wanna know more about how I make webcomics check out my youtube video or my Blog.

So anyway, as I mentioned before, I'm currently working on my prep work for chapter 4 right now, Don't worry I'm not going to spoil the main overall plot but I will be talking a little bit about what it's going to be about, and things I decided to change, so feel free to skip reading this post if you want to remain completely spoiler-free.

Chapter 4 is probably the part I've had the hardest time writing so far. With all of my chapters, I always start with a rough overview of what that chapter is going to be about then slowly flesh out the story from there.

You've probably guessed by now since it was mentioned at the end of chapter 3 that chapter 4 is going to be about a "tutorial" which is meant to be a way to teach blanks basic skills to survive in Artisan since Artisan is full of all kinds of monsters and creatures, while also developing the student's first weapon. You can think of this as kinda like a game the students must overcome. However, in Sky's case, her tutorial has been "tampered" with though I can't say how or why yet!

Originally when I first wrote chapter 4, Ackee was going to be included, but I later decided to take Ackee out completely so that Sky can have this time alone to build her confidence and for the reader to understand Sky a bit more. If Ackee was included in this upcoming chapter she would completely overshadow Sky and take control of the situation since Ackee is more experienced, which would mean nothing would really change for Sky as a character.

But Ackee will have her time to shine again soon!

So the challenge I have is coming up with a way Sky can grow her confidence as a person while learning what her strengths and weaknesses are in a way that's still interesting to read!

I'm also trying to decide what kind of vibe and atmosphere chapter 4 will have.

Some Colour Concepts I did to try to figure out what kind of colour pallet I wanted.

When I was writing it I knew I wanted it to be more spooky then previous chapters but a little different style-wise to differentiate between the two different but similar realities, so I made some quick background art of a hallway with different colour-ways, although I'm not 100% happy with them yet so I'll probably make a few more concept art which I'll add to this post when/if I do.

As for the Cracked Mirror image of Sky... I'm actually really loving how it looks so I'm may end up using it as the cover for Chapter 4 when it's finished.

Anyway, that's all for now!
